Words Matter: Crafting an Authentic Public Statement in Response to Issues and Current Events


Crafting an authentic public statement in response to issues and current events. Issues of racism, climate justice, protest, tragedy and other social and political events are no longer the domain of the social sector alone. Increasingly consumers and employees demand companies respond to and use public platforms to invite transparency and accountability into their actions. […]

CSR Peer Roundtable with Twilio

Join our monthly B:CIVIC peer roundtable hosted by Twilio. CSR roundtables are open to B:CIVIC members who are working in businesses. Our roundtables are held monthly, giving professionals opportunities to […]

Virtual CSR Peer Roundtable


Join our monthly B:CIVIC peer roundtable with Alpine Bank. CSR roundtables are open to B:CIVIC members who are working in businesses. Our roundtables are held monthly, giving professionals opportunities to […]

Leadership in Action: Panel and Networking

Leadership in Action: Panel and Networking Dec. 16, 4:30-5:30 p.m. Panel (Hybrid option), 5:30-7:30 p.m. Networking (In-person only)  | B:CIVIC Members and Leadership Foundation Alumni In-person: Denver Metro Chamber, 1445 […]


B:CIVIC Boulder County Disaster Response Call


Join B:CIVIC for this disaster response call to learn more about the current state of the Boulder County fires and the road to recovery for our community. In this call you will have an opportunity to ask questions and learn how you can support recovery efforts.  Speakers:  Ian Anderson Chair, Colorado Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster […]

CSR Peer Roundtable


Join our monthly B:CIVIC peer roundtable with B:CIVIC to learn and share best practices. CSR roundtables are open to B:CIVIC investors who are working in businesses. Our roundtables are held monthly, […]

Virtual Voices | Black History & Sakura Square


Virtual Voices | Black History & Sakura Square The Intersectionality of Martin Luther King Jr.'s vision and the Internment of Japanese Americans Tomorrow, Feb. 17, 11 a.m. - 12 p.m., […]

B:CIVIC Small Biz Quarterly Roundtable


Join your fellow small business members to discuss the question: “What is your biggest challenge with CSR or philanthropy initiatives as you start 2022?” We will then plan to tap into the group’s collective experience and discuss how we are all addressing those challenges. This meeting will be 100% on Zoom and we will open […]