Learn How Janus Henderson Engages Their Employees
Janus Henderson Investors exists to help clients achieve their long-term financial goals. The company’s active management offers clients the opportunity to outperform passive portfolios over the course of market cycles. Janus Henderson Investors’ approach channels the thinking of some of the industry’s most talented managers, spanning equities, fixed income, multi-asset and alternatives, globally.
Interview with Demesha Hill, Community Relations Manager, Janus Henderson Investors & Managing Director, Janus Henderson Foundation.
Meet Who is (Re)Defining CSR
The Intersection of HR & CSR Follow-Up
Thank you to our speakers for sharing their expertise, insight and inspiration on engaging employees, diversity, equity and inclusion, measurement and making the business case. Read More
Meet Your 2020-21 B:CIVIC Board of Directors
B:CIVIC Newsletter Announcement 8.4.2020
Telling Your CSR Story Follow-up
Thank you to:
- Lora Ledermann, Founder, CEO & Creative Director of Scream Agency
- Laura Love, Founder & Chief Cultural Officer of GroundFloor Media | CenterTable
for sharing your expertise and insight on CSR storytelling.